Once known as Vagrants, due to their lack of ability to command any elements the Mesalian race was renamed based on an ancient Xitian-Lucin word for powerless . Despite their given name, the Mesalians excell in adaptability, culture, diversity, healthcare and technology, and have a natural aptitude for rune engineering. They are known as resilient and outnumber all the other races with ease. Being balanced in Aether and Nether by nature they can traverse all known Realms and with Vagrant blood in their veins they are born roamers and survivors. Mesalians sometimes nurse suspicion towards Lucins and often hold outright racist fear and/or resent towards Xitians.
Home Realm: The Middle Realm.
Religion: Mesalian paganism or variations thereof.
Elemental strengths: Mesalians can be healed with Aether. In general, being exposed to Aether gives them a pleasant boost. Some individuals might think of the boost as unpleasant.
Elemental weaknessess:
Too much Nether can make Mesalians sickly.
Concentrated Aether or Nether can cause damage somewhat simillar to that of an energy/electrical burn (such concentration only exist as non-enviromental).
All other elements work as normal.
Note on appearances: Mesalians can have all natural eye-colours. They may not have purple or red eyes (see Xitians, half-blood Xitians and Lu-Xits).
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