Races of Mesalia

Author: Ann-Helén Nilsson (Zarkaylia)
Editor: FireDog/Disco
Art: Rachel Carlini (SentaiPink)


Once known as Vagrants, due to their lack of ability to command any elements the Mesalian race was renamed based on an ancient Xitian-Lucin word for powerless . Despite their given name, the Mesalians excell in adaptability, culture, diversity, healthcare and technology, and have a natural aptitude for rune engineering. They are known as resilient and outnumber all the other races with ease. Being balanced in Aether and Nether by nature they can traverse all known Realms and with Vagrant blood in their veins they are born roamers and survivors. Mesalians sometimes nurse suspicion towards Lucins and often hold outright racist fear and/or resent towards Xitians.

Home Realm: The Middle Realm.

Religion: Mesalian paganism or variations thereof.

Elemental strengths: Mesalians can be healed with Aether. In general, being exposed to Aether gives them a pleasant boost. Some individuals might think of the boost as unpleasant.

Elemental weaknessess:

  • Too much Nether can make Mesalians sickly.

  • Concentrated Aether or Nether can cause damage somewhat simillar to that of an energy/electrical burn (such concentration only exist as non-enviromental).

  • All other elements work as normal.

Note on appearances: Mesalians can have all natural eye-colours. They may not have purple or red eyes (see Xitians, half-blood Xitians and Lu-Xits).

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A picture of a group of Mesalians
A picture of Lucins.


While the Lucins' home Realm is the Celestial Realm, they populate the Middle Realm in growing numbers ever since the end of the Veld War. They are wielders of the elements Aether, Water and Air. Their born strengths often land them the role of healers among the Mesalians and they are naturally drawn to areas of flowing water. With many of them having a strong ability to wield water, the Lucins excell in agriculture and are famous for their excellent wine-making. Mesalian healthcare and herbalism tend to be alien to them and the finer arts of smithing are to them a chore. Lucin traders are a common occurence and the Celestial Kingdom isn't unknown for its more shady businesses. They often nurse a natural rivalry towards Xitians.

Home Realm: The Celestial Realm.

Religion: Worshippers of the goddess Rhise.

Elemental strengths:

  • Healed and strongly boosted by Aether

  • Boosted by water and its different states. Do well in cold.

Elemental weaknessess:

  • Weakened by fire. Do poorly in heat.

  • Severely weakened by Nether.

Note on appearances: All Lucins have blue eyes of varying shades.

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Read the guide on elemental abilities... >


The Dusk Realm Empire's unspeakable crimes towards the Mesalians is only rivaled by the following genocide in the Middle Realm known as The Purge. The Xitians that had not retreated to their own Realm by the time the Veld War ended and the Portal to it was shut by the Sages were systematically killed in one of the darker events of Mesalian history. As a result, Xitians and their red eyes are still a rare sight in the Middle Realm. Those that do not live in the Forbidden Lands stay hidden or live in secluded sanctuaries. Wielders of Fire, Earth and Nether they are formidable smiths and miners and an honour-bound people of warriors and equality. Family and strength of mind, soul and body hold great importance to them. Slowly entering the Middle Realm again through truces and common grounds, they are a people divided between the rasistic ways of old and the opposing more open-minded newer generations. They range from burning hatred towards the other races to love and fascination.

Home Realm: The Dusk Realm.

Religion: Worshippers of the God King Umbriae.

Elemental strengths:

  • Xitians can be healed with Nether and are strongly boosted by it.

  • They are boosted by fire and do well in heat.

Elemental weaknessess:

  • Weakened by water and its different states. Do poorly in cold.

  • Severely weakened by Aether.

Note on appearances: All Xitians have red eyes of varying shades.

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Read the guide on elemental abilities... >

A picture of Xitians.

Half-blood Lucin

If a Lucin and a Mesalian have a child the result is a half-blood. These children are never born with aptitude to wield more than one element. Half-blood Lucins aren't uncommon in the Middle Realm and are generally more welcome there than in the Celestial Realm where they are often viewed as weak and foreign. They reap some benefits from their Lucin blood and some from their Mesalian. They can have full-blooded offspring if they pair with a full-blood or another half-blood, otherwise their offspring will be Mesalian. Being of mixed race, they sometimes struggle to find their place and said place is often depending on or determined by their upbringing.

Home Realm: -

Religion: -

Elemental strengths:

  • Healed and strongly boosted by Nether

  • Boosted by fire and its different states. Do well in warmth.

  • Cannot grow as strong in their ability as full-blood Xitians.

Elemental weaknessess:

  • Weakened by fire. Do poorly in heat.

  • Weakened by Nether.

  • A bit more resistant to these weaknesses than full-blood Lucins.

Note on appearances: All Lucins have blue eyes of varying shades.

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Read the guide on elemental abilities... >

Half-blood Xitian

Similar to half-blood Lucins, If a Xitian and a Mesalian have a child the result is a half-blood. These children are never born with aptitude to wield more than one element either. Half-blood Xitians are about as rare as Xitians in the Middle Realm and practically non-existant in the Dusk Realm where they have long been viewed unpure. While the same applies to half-Xitians' reproduction as for half-Lucins, half-blood Xitians often face the same prosecution and predudice as full-blood Xitians do in the Middle Realm, while at same time facing scorn from a great number of full-blood Xitians (typically those also looking down upon Mesalians). Thus, being of mixed race often leave them in same struggles of finding their place as half-blood Lucins.

Home Realm: -

Religion: -

Elemental strengths:

  • Xitians can be healed with Nether and are strongly boosted by it.

  • They are boosted by fire and do well in heat.

Elemental weaknessess:

  • Weakened by water. Do poorly in cold.

  • Weakened by Aether.

  • A bit more resistant to these weaknesses than full-blood Xitians.

Note on appearances: All Xitians have red eyes of varying shades.

Read more about the elements and races... >

Read the guide on elemental abilities... >

A picture of a half-blood Xitian.

Lu-Xit (unavailable as player-choice of race)

So what happens if a full-blood Xitian and a full-blood Lucin have a child...?

Potentially nothing, potentially tragedy. Note that this union is uncommon as it is. Add that this union usually does not produce a living child if the pair survive both the process of reproduction and the mother survives labour. There are no known records of Lu-Xits having existed (they have, though) and they are a subject of myth and legend.

Should a Lu-Xit child be born it would be lucky if it is born Mesalian-like. That is, lacking abilities. The turmoil of two non-compatible sources of power within a Lu-Xit born with elemental abilities would lead to life-long suffering and an early death of the individual as their body cannot hold and slowly deteriorates...

Home Realm: -

Religion: -

Elemental strengths:

  • All or same as Mesalians.

Elemental weaknessess:

  • All or same as Mesalians.

Note on appearances: Lu-Xits have purple eyes if they possess any powers and grey if they do not.

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